



A clinical Psychologist, Master of Mental Reflections.

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More than 20,000 hours of clinical psychology practice

More than 15 years of work in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology

Thousands of healthy and happy patients after sessions


Heterosuggestion psychometry method of deep relaxation

GSPR is an effective way to use heterosuggestion psychotherapy, using semantic information of the code-word structure. This structure is a therapeutic text that consists of special verbal formulas-suggestions that form a state of relaxation. On its basis, the patient creates an image of dynamic positive behavior, with awareness of all stages of this process, with the goal of recovery and development.

In the method of GSPMR, an important place is occupied by the method of systematic reinforcement of the patient's psyche with positive emotional experiences, pleasant bodily sensations of oneself and one's body, through the formation of deep psychomuscular relaxation. In the GSPMR session, several programs are simultaneously implemented using the heterosuggestion method: progressive muscle relaxation, systematic sensitization, positive thinking training, social learning and self-control procedures, cognitive procedures, biofeedback and autogenic training.

GSPMR helps the patient in developing own strengths and positive abilities. For that they are given the setting to encourage them to think about their own resources (opportunities), positive aspects of today's current life situation, and memories of past successes and positive experiences. So, the patient in a state of psychological relaxation thinks and experiences positively, through systematic repetition (10-15 times), he creates a long-term memory of a relaxed comfortable state and positive feelings.

the essence of the method GSPM

The goal of the GSPMR is to create the patient's motivation, desire, faith, and willingness to change. Show and give the opportunity to «try on» the newly formed image of a healthy and prosperous person. Consolidation of the experience of the «internal model of health» occurs through the suggestion of a positive emotional background, in the course of GSPMR sessions and systematic 10-15 times of psychotherapy impact. This condition remains in the patient after the session and reproduces itself in any situation, especially in stressful situations, at their request and through systematically developed triggers.

GSPMR allows you to solve the following tasks


Form the optimal level of mental and muscular relaxation in the patient's mind and body.


To create the auditory, visual, kinesthetic images for a positive experience of yourself.


Teach the patient to reproduce stable States of optimal and healthy well-being.


Turn the patient's consciousness to his past positive experience, analyze, feel deeply, fixate.


Form attitudes for optimal well-being after recovery and further development.


Form a «trigger» in the body and mind of the patient, so that he can independently enter the optimal, emotional tone.

Based on these processes, the internal picture of the disease is replaced by a new «internal picture of health» with a respective change in behavioral patterns and their constituent systems.

GSPMR activates four types of waves ALPHA, THETA, GAMMA, DELTA. The frequency of their fluctuations is necessary for optimal, harmonious functioning of the human body.

I want to try

brain waves

Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta

One of the main therapeutic effects of GSPMR is the inclusion of four types of waves of electrical activity of the brain during the session: Gamma, Alpha, Theta, Delta. The human brain generates a wide range of low-frequency waves, which are called biorhythms / brainwaves. There are five species of these waves, and four of them are invariably used in the method GSPMR. All these waves are used safely and carefully, in different phases of the session, based on the individual situation of the patient and taking into account his condition.



30 – 120 Гц

They are extremely frequent, stimulate the production of beta-endorphins, and activate the processes of awareness and perception of the world around them. Such fluctuations in the brain are called «enlightenment». Gamma rhythms are responsible for inspiration and creativity. When the human brain is working at such a high frequency, there is a sharpening of the senses, improvement of the brain, expansion of perception, increased intelligence, attention, learning ability, memory is strengthened, information is processed faster. A person's view of the world becomes positive.



14 – 30 Гц

Such rapid waves are the norm and are activated when a person is involved in the surrounding world. They are also actively radiated when the psyche is aroused, in a state of stress or anxiety. Beta activity increases blood pressure, accelerates metabolism. The rhythm is similar to playing the drums. Any communication, physical activity, stress, fears – all this contributes to their increase. You can reduce them by relaxing – switching to the alpha rhythm.



7 – 14 Гц

Alpha waves are the most favorable for the functioning of the entire human body. This is a state between beta and theta waves, a «mode of thoughtlessness», a person's thought «glides» without intellectual tension, the brain is relaxed. When alpha rhythm dominates, the creative potential increases, and the world is literally painted in bright colors.



4 – 7 Гц

Theta brain waves allow a person to experience a deep sense of relaxation. It manifests itself between sleep and the appearance of a dream, can cause States of hypnosis or meditation, there are peculiar visions. At a normal level of theta waves, a person is calm and peaceful.



0 ,1 – 4 Гц

When neurons emit these waves, people are in a trance state. Delta waves help a person navigate in space and time, anticipate danger, increase their intuition / instincts, and allow them to establish a connection with the unconscious.

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basic phaseS

Procedure session GSPMR


In the first phase, the patient is given a setting for deep relaxation and recovery. There is a visualization of special images that cause pleasant emotions and feelings. The state is reprogrammed, and anxiety and fear are replaced by positive feelings.


In this phase, there is a fixation of feelings of warmth and total relaxation throughout the body, complete removal of emotional tension. A feeling of warmth in the arms and legs, in the chest, and in the abdominal cavity. There is a removal of spasms, muscle clamps, released suppressed feelings. Emotions come out in different forms (tears, fears). The session is held under special sound accompaniment.


In this phase, suggestive psychotherapy is used – the patient is immersed in a hypnotic state. There is a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, it is accompanied by complete relaxation of all parts of the body at the muscular level. There is a sense of weightlessness and disembodied. There is a sense of «freedom», there is an expansion of the boundaries of the patient's consciousness and the new «alternative state of consciousness» is formed.


In the fourth phase, the «disconnection» of consciousness from personal experiences occurs and the state of rest is fixed. The patient learns to focus on relaxing the muscles of the entire body, which helps reduce the level of physical arousal. There is a deep immersion in a state of mental / spiritual peace, inner comfort, and a sense of quality rest.


In this phase, the patient is «disconnected» from the environment and a report is formed. During the session, the patient is abstracted from all external stimulus and he has a partial inhibition of the cerebral cortex, this is an important combination of conditions in which the reproductive properties of the Central nervous system are revealed to the maximum extent.


In this phase, «therapeutic suggestion» is performed. Against the background of an alternative state of consciousness of the patient, by means of verbal heterosuggestive programming, the optimal functional psychophysical state is formed, the person's motivation for further recovery, and emotional well-being. This allows a person to independently use the skills of psychological and physiological self-optimization, developed in the course of training and fixed in long-term memory.


In the final phase of the session, the patient goes from a state of rest to slumber and falls asleep. After 30-40 minutes of rest, the patient is brought out of this state. Application of the method GSPM starts in the human body the process of recovery. On a subconscious level, the process is aimed at restoring hemodynamics, and overall improvement of the patient's health, and its self-optimization in the real world.

the effect FROM GSPMR


in relationships

There is a harmonization of relations with yourself and your partner, a full-fledged energy exchange with your spouse is restored, through deep acceptance of yourself and each other, through support and understanding.


In business

Limiting beliefs that hinder the achievement of goals are studied. Internal motivation is activated, new successful behavior strategies are developed, and real professional/ career growth is underway.


In self-esteem

Deep fears are worked out, blocks are removed, self-confidence is gained, and decisions are clearly made. A person comes to balance, fills himself with goodness, mind with peace, and heart with love.


IN work/decision

A conscious perception of people and situations comes, relationships with colleagues and superiors are established. A balance is established between the amount of effort invested and the results obtained.


In self-realization

There is a way out of the impasse, life opens up a rich range of possibilities, there is a creative view of things, the power of energy increases, «to give and create from a state of abundance».


In perception

A positive perception of the surrounding world is formed, the blocked energy is released, an «inner uplift» occurs, the state of joy and «taste for life» returns.


In the family

A healthy balance and atmosphere in family relations is restored, there is understanding and support for each other, there is an adequate reaction to the behavior of their relatives and friends.


In awareness

There is confidence in yourself, acceptance, understanding of your needs. A person quickly returns to his original source, there is a transformation, filling of energy, potential is revealed.

The method of GSPMR consists in using special «verbal formulas» and creating mental images that are embedded in the mental sphere of the patient in a state of RELAXATION. They become active elements of his consciousness and behavior. The patient is given a «key» – he can independently and purposefully form a positive satisfactory state. This normalizes blood pressure and pulse, gives a good mood and self-confidence, increases optimism, restores sleep. The patient develops a belief in the possibility of independent psycho-emotional recovery.

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the Insights of patients

The experience and transformation after the sessions

Sergey Nikulin

Fashion designer

..I am Sergey, 34 years old. Since the age of 26, I have lived in a happy relationship. I sincerely loved and gave myself to this man. And now, in my 33 years, there was a «betrayal» by my favorite person, and for me this is the most fatal act in my life! We separated. When I became aware of the situation, I tried to get out of it, explaining to myself that people converge and diverge. My mental and physical condition was getting worse. When talking to my friends, myself, and God doesn't bring me relief, I think of suicide as a way out of the situation. I remembered about Raufinya. Working with her – it is working on yourself, listening to deep things about yourself, honest, not unpleasant, and accepting them in yourself. This is a complete «declassification» of oneself. I was surprised and helped to resolve my situation – «conversation» with that person. This happened through Raufinya! I saw this transformation, her eyes, her manner of speech, her gestures – it was not Raufinya, it was that person, it was not a statement of grievances and grievances, it was a conversation with his subconscious. These processes reanimated and gathered me back into a «whole», opened my eyes, led me to love, to life! They helped me let this man go out and start to live again.

Alexandra Dudko


Before the Institute, my life was full of constant hustle and search, which did not contribute to my productivity. But by the end of the first year, I came to a definite state, «You are a day staring at the ceiling, and you are not afraid of anything, even monotonous work in the office seems to be the norm, you want nothing and not force anything!» To Raufinya sent me by relatives. After the first sessions, I realized that productivity, self-realization and joy are not mutually exclusive, combined aspects of life. After the GSPMR sessions I felt relaxed, able to filter out the daily hustle and bustle. The main thing that I want to thank Raufinya for is that I realized that a positive and easy life is not just possible, but an important part of any process in our everyday life. I realized that I was the one who decided what my life would be like. During the sessions, the problems that were slowing things down in my life were resolved, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong on my own. I changed my dissatisfaction to a desire to engage in development, study, life, sports, etc. Now there is an understanding and a sense of where you need to purposefully direct your strength and energy. Thank you very much for such a contribution to my development!

Marina Lapina


We met Raufinya in August 2018 and I learned that Raufinya has been a practicing clinical psychologist for many years with continuous and rich experience. This fact I was very happy, because at that time I was already a novice psychologist. It was she who helped me choose a specific direction in my practical psychological activity and taught me a lot! I always consider her my mentor in work, in life, in everything... I had one session of GSPMR, which helped me understand the importance of this unique method in restoring the body after stressful situations, in working out psychosomatic problems, in finding a balance between the health of the Mind, Soul and Body. I always feel sincere gratitude to Raufinya for the fact that our ways in this life crossed, for all the knowledge that I constantly get from her! I thank you very much Raufinya.

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Unique method for creating
individual geometry

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Geometry of Life is a unique author's, social and business project introduced by a group of like-minded people. Synthesis of a huge amount of empirical data obtained by a specialist psychoneuroimmunologist-Raufinya, during a long period practice of using utilitarian philosophy and psychological techniques in working with people's minds. This method allows you to instill in each person the skills of building a harmonious geometry of their inner world, to build a structure that accurately and maximally reflects all the basic properties of their personality, as close as possible to the potential given to them by God from birth...

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News, articles, interesting information

Health of the Soul and Body

Today, for a progressive society, it is obvious that the health of the soul and the health of the body are inseparable concepts. If a person has learned to regularly brush their teeth, wash their clothes and eat properly, then things are more difficult with the hygiene of the Soul...

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Transformation of consciousness

My sessions help to reveal the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. Therapy proceeds in two stages: a conversation with the patient and a direct session with him. In the process, we formulate a goal and tasks that need to be solved...

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Interview with Raufinya

Raufinya Yarskaya – Clinical psychologist. Consulting, solving simple and complex human problems – her everyday life, from which she does not run. She likes her work and the results she achieves. It doesn't feel like your mind is being «dissected», as it sometimes does...

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The Structure Of The Faith

Based on the thesis of understanding «iniquity» as a rejection of God, it is possible to logically build a way for a person to return «Home», that is, to the God. Life gives all people the opportunity to return to their natural, true state of Purity and Love..

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Address: Moscow, Russia
Mob / Whats app: +1 (781) 985-2029
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