he o she

he o she

project HE O SHE

Philosophy of unification male and female energies – Merging of Loving Souls!

An extensive author's project Routine Yarskaya and Anton Sokolov. This is a grandiose complex program of human transformation on the physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual levels. The program consists of a variety of targeted training courses developed by a team of highly qualified experts. The program includes retreats, intensive training with deep immersion, individual coaching, various methods of diagnosis, group stationary classes, online classes for those who live in remote areas of our country, as well as personal consultations and individual approach. The program is attended by specialists of various profiles: Psychologists and Psychotherapists, Teachers of Body-oriented techniques, Instructors of Yoga and various spiritual practices, Masters of Sound and Vibration therapy. As well as Videographers, Photographers and Artists who visually embody the mystical experience of patients. The program is designed to create all the necessary conditions for transforming the minds of women and men, removing all limiting beliefs, opening up their uniqueness and potential, giving them the opportunity to see and realize the beautiful world of Divine Creation that they themselves are. This is a deep transformation, working with the subconscious, with the body through the mind and with the mind through the body, a deep dive into the world of yourself, a dive for knowledge and meaning, for Wholeness and awareness of the Essence of your existence!

инь ян


A clinical Psychologist, Master of Mental Reflections.

more about me

More than 100 women who realized their feminine nature, discovered a source of love and abundance for their family.

More than 100 men who activated their masculinity, found goals and motivation, and successfully implemented their business projects.

More than 100 couples who have «healed relationships», preserved families, come to an understanding, and found each other again.


project mission

Help each participant of the project to become a person who is filled and able to draw energy from their own female / male Nature. To show that a person gives and creates only from an inner state of ABUNDANCE. Teach to fill yourself with goodness and peace, your body with health, your mind with peace, and your heart with love. Teach him to feel like a fluid energy that is constantly changing and transforming, which radiates an aura of calm, confidence and support for his family. Discover in a person the ability to Express sincere Love to his partner and fill him with Strength, inspire him to realize the task of his Soul. Teach them to accept and support each other, no matter how difficult their «roles in this game of souls» may be. Show how to harmonize the situation in time, see it on a large scale, and be able to «read the Divine subtext», realize and learn «lessons» in these relationships. Teach people to give each other a full-fledged energy exchange, through deep self-acceptance and respect for the interaction of souls, whatever it may be.

diagnose your situationation

symbol designation

Ontological interpretation of the symbol HE O SHE

It is a symbol of wisdom, sinfulness, and redemption. This is the time of earthly life, fed by the spirit that grants eternal Life. Serpent – seduces to sin, seduces with its brilliant beauty, flexibility and perfectly smooth shape. His head carries poison, pain, and death. But without this, there is no redemption. The vine is a symbol of our life, scorched by the sun and winds, its trunk like our life, rough and uneven. And at the end of it is a spear of steel. The tip is smooth and strong-unambiguous, like redemption. The head of the serpent is United in one symbol of the spear, representing the eternal struggle of death and life. The fruit of the vine is a grape, as a symbol of the flesh of Christ. The grape gives its juice, as Christ has atoned for our sin. The blood of Christ entered the earth and fertilized it, giving birth to the spirit of rebirth. This way we are joined in the divine and earthly life.


He O She – He God She

"Each of us achieve for love and for God. He is trying to achieve her, and she is trying to achieve him. The merging of Loving Souls takes place in God»

for whom

Problem areas that HE O SHE solves

Fear of pain and loneliness

For men and women who make the same mistake every time they enter into a relationship quickly and unconsciously. They don't give themselves time to think, «is this the person I want to spend the rest of my life with?» They are obsessed with the idea of «getting married» in order not to be left alone and «run to get married». As a result, in a few months – a divorce.

Illusions and Exultation

For men and women who fall into exaltation, they give their partner the qualities they want to see in him/her, and then expect that the partner will match them. The partner does not even know about it, does not meet false expectations. Illusions are destroyed and both sides suffer, do not understand the essence of the problem, do not see the truth.

Self-destruction of marriage/family

For men and women who confused their roles in the partnership, angry and irritated, «can't hear» each other, making accusations and claims are in long relations crisis, planning a divorce, see a breakup like the only way out of the situation, and has launched a program on «destruction of marriage».

Salvation through awareness

For those couples who have entered a relationship crisis, but understand that it is possible that these are «lessons» that they must go through together. They want to understand what they need to change in their relationship, are open to dialogue, are willing to change for each other, try to save their family/relationship, and intend to overcome all the difficulties of the marital experience together.


Metamorphoses in the minds of patients after consultations and sessions for married couples


Each Incarnation has its own task

To realize that a person initially comes to this world ALONE, and he does not have a tattoo «to be the wife of Sasha» or «to be the husband of Ira» stamped on his forehead from birth. Understand that we are not born just to get married,to get rid of loneliness. To realize that first of all, our Soul was incarnated in this body to solve some super-task, each person has their own mission and role in this life, and this is primary.


Uniqueness and Difference of the other

Learn to perceive each person as a unique and unique creation, filled with female or male energy, endowed with a completely specific body/personality qualities/character/oddities, etc., for living a specific role in this incarnation. See the uniqueness in your chosen one and respect the «difference» of each other. To realize that everyone has the right to «their own picture of the world» and their own model of relations, to understand and accept this. If you still decide to take a joint path in life, then let each other be themselves.


Without skewing and keeping the balance

Be able to consciously enter into a relationship without «losing yourself», without creating distortions in the direction of the interests of the chosen life partner. Not to sacrifice yourself in order to live only «her/his life», but to understand your roles in marriage and maintain a balance of female-male energies. Remember that every individual man and every individual woman must have a purpose of the Soul, which we are not always able to recognize.


To maintain the clarity of perception

Learn to develop sensitivity in yourself and in relation to your partner, to take into account his presence and his attitude. Keep the focus of your attention not only on yourself, but also on your spouse. Be able to «turn on and dive» into your life partner in order to understand his «picture of the world», not to build your own illusions, but to maintain clarity of perception. When interacting with each other, feel the realism of everything that happens between you, do not go to extremes and do not wear «rose-colored glasses». To respond adequately to the options for the development of relations, to understand where this partnership leads, and whether it coincides with the original desires of both parties.


I am an inseparable Part of the Whole

Be aware that we are a part of God and respect his creation within us. He has given us wonderful senses to feel this life through us: to touch, to breathe, to taste, to hear, to speak, to Express, and so on to infinity. And this in itself is unique, and it is not for nothing that the human body is so complex, having also subtle bodies on a metaphysical level, endowed with self-awareness, a rich spectrum of emotions and feelings, millions of options for reactions to events. Perhaps God is trying to «free himself» from his infinite eternity through us, through people. To feel all possible emotions, through passions, dramas, the pain of losses and disappointments, through the happiness of fateful meetings, through joy and grief, through everything that we can only feel and live every moment, in the human body, in this God-created reality.


Personal happiness does not depend on the presence of another

To come to the understanding that a person, regardless of whether he is in a female body or in a male one, should be happy by himself, without anyone's presence. Initially, he should be self-sufficient in his existence and not expect someone to appear in his life, and finally make him/her happy. This approach develops a consumer attitude towards the partner and creates a false sense that our happiness depends on the other person.


Stay in a one stream

Learn to enter into relationships not to «take», but to be able to «give». After all, giving, we do not lose ourselves, but multiply. To be in a state of fullness of vital energy, to be able to feel joy and enjoy the «subtle taste» of all manifestations of vitality. Harmoniously exchange energy and enjoy communication with your loved one, enter a special state of flow and stay in a single energy-emotional field!


The Game of souls and the work of the Heart

To develop the idea of cooperation in a relationship, understanding that a deep and long relationship is first of all «a great work of the Heart». To be open in the «dialogue of souls», to realize and not forget that any relationship is a deliberately chosen by the Souls, a Great Game in which they decided to play and accept just such a role, this body and this appearance, in this incarnation on Earth. A Game in which they decide to work out certain energies in order to transform them, and reach a different level of perception of both relationships and life in General.


Inviting women to PRAYER, to strengthen the «male nature»

I will tell you a secret that «lies on the top», but is still hidden under women's pride and self-love. But for many years, not everyone can see the simple truth. The lock was heavy on the heart, and not everyone was able to open it. The answer is not in the Mind but in the Heart, and the key to the lock is simple.


‘‘Pray for your desired man more than for yourself! Pray that God Loves him more than you! Then He'll have something to give you. Your desired man through your prayer will be more Generous than you, Wiser, Stronger. Then he can become your patron! There will be more Love from the Lord! Pray for him more and more than for yourself!“

Raufinya Yarskaya

Merging of two beginnings...

The merging of two principles in a person-the Self, and Behind the non-personal Self is the «map of the world». Map of the universe. The density of being will appear in the flesh. And the cycle of evolutionary development of the individual will be completed?! The personality will reach its perfection in itself, become enlightened and understand how the world works! Everything will become extremely clear, the lines between Reality and Truth will be erased, and the souls from the lower layers of the subtle world that passed their lesson there will come out! And they will stand equal to each other, and see themselves in each other. And they will understand that they are all one living and developing organism! There will be no concept of death, it will simply not be, it will just be a transition, everyone will stand in the other's place and understand how it is to be them. Me-He – it is Me! Equality and respect understanding the importance of everyone who gets a new experience!

Our love is memory...

You know, our love, it's not sudden, it happened. This is memory. I love you for a long, long time, from life to life I carry it. Love. Love in different ways, save, collect, run away, deny, appreciate, cherish, cherish, store, jealous, greedily devour, suffer from thirst, passion of Love! PASSION, TENDERNESS, GENEROSITY. I tear and tear my bonds. You are my, My beloved, different, so my, I am yours. I am yours drink me, enjoy me! Be with me and in me! I realized what we mean to each other, what power binds us, what connected us, what intertwined us. A man cannot control it, it is beyond his strength, there is no choice. The choice was made long ago. Consent is given and the contract is signed. Our house. He is sitting at the table and writing something, he is deep in his thoughts, his face thoughtful. And then, he noticed me, me in a nice, cozy dress, I casually glance at him. And, Oh, my God, how he looks at me! Eyes full of love, they do not lie, they are calm and sad, tender and longing. His eyes were tired and he took off his glasses, sweet in his mouth, how beautiful he is! She watches me as I sort through the items (she seems to have decided to clean up). I feel it and can't stand it, I sit down. We look at each other and love each other. Like a gentle breeze on your face. Feeling Is Genuine! Native, as no one! My dear! My beloved!

Now I know what it's like to be you, and you know what it's like to be me...

People wanted a lot of good things for you, and life gave you a lot. You have wandered the world and worlds. I've seen a lot and experienced a lot. Waited, loved, suffered. He knew the value of words and valued deeds. You are a man, a businessman. And here you are! What can I give you? What should I be? What should I become? What is the highlight of your treasure Chest? Now I fall into your casket, a diamond, into the world of your riches. It shone even more brightly as it hit it and reflected itself in similar colored creatures. They do not even reflect in me, but just Shine through me, playing with light, so I am transparent and pure. I followed you, just like that, with no strings attached. And what I thought was a wall, then you were the road. I walked over you and fell into you. You just have everything. There are no defenses, no barriers, who is the same absolute as you. The crystal lattice of your being coincides with my crystal. And here I am in a world where there are no stories, no events. Everything is left, there behind the wall, where the road is, and here, there is only a state, the state of you and me. What can I give you? What or who can I be to you? What is valuable to you? Here I am! And my stories. I am the world. The world of fairy tales, the world of dreams and transformations. The world of impressions and travel. I'm in stories without time or boundaries. I give you my stories. Listen to them. Live in them. Become the leader of them! Listen to me. Listen to yourself. It's a magical night. A night of love and revelation. now we are what we want to be. We are beautiful in our perfect harmony of forms and sensations. I begin my dance, the dance of love, the dance of peace and passion! The air was alive. And everything around me came alive and spun in my live dance of love. Now I know what it's like to be you, and you know what it's like to be me. We merged into a single music of universal love and sounded in harmony with the merging of two earthly beginnings.

No time...

No time... There is, just you and me. We are criminals. We have entered a line beyond which there is no time, it has stopped and disappeared, and there is only LOVE! In each other and together. We Are Whole-Whole-One. Flesh and blood from the one. Without you, I'm gone! I live only next to you, without you I freeze and time appears again, it torments me with parting-distance. I'm waiting for you! Come and save me, take me away from the colorless stream of time. Take me where there is life! Let eternity–infinity settle in our house! There were two of us. We flew to earth like two beams, clean and beautiful. Hold hands. We knew that only the hands were going to be disconnected, but not us. We are inseparable. Strong tremors, I slip somewhere in a dense tunnel. Exciting, a little scary. What's happening? I can't control this process, it's not possible to stay. A-a-a-a... physical pain in the chest – this is the first breath! Multi-colored spots, everything is floating, the hum, the weight of the body.Warm, cozy, and safe.I have a map, a map of how to get home, but only half of it. it is necessary to find the second one, it is absolutely vital. Together they will merge into a single path. Together-The Whole! By single halves. Merging is harmony, Sound-Color-Life! Full wave of power, energy! Hold my hand tight! Hold me all! Take me home! I'm your soul mate. I am the Queen of heaven and the Queen of earth! I am the source of life, your source! I am the Grail! I am cool, very expensive, very! Classic! Busy with the real thing that people and I need! I have money, but it is for my pleasure, I spend it easily. Enjoy life. A life full of meaning and awareness! One day I realized that I could call you, that you are, that you exist. I am extremely prepared. Never relaxed, not for a minute. Sometimes, I felt you physically! Then she made a great effort and attracted the density of the ether with her whole body to herself, through time, through space.

Get to know me, remember me, hear me...

I Love myself in you and I Love you in me! My betrothed! My dear husband! We are crowned in eternal life, given to us by God! Together they will merge into a single path. Paths, paths, threads. way to God. Way home. Our way. When I'm around you, it doesn't matter, everything is clear, one truth! I love you! You are near, today, this day. Here it is! I want to see it, get drunk on life. What's he like?! I want to sing! I sing the song of my soul. It's about how I called you, conjured you, followed the trail. As the soul was ill, the body was exhausted. Begged for Love. I begged you to recognize me! Remember me! See, hear, Wake up! Here I am, so close, already here, today.Up-to-date! You said goodbye to me! Good-bye to me! Yes. Everything worked out! Heat.

Today I'm for you...

Listen to my bedtime story! It's a magical night! The night when my true face is revealed, your true face is revealed, this is the world where we are what we want to be. The dance of love and magic begins. Everything swirls and dissolves, leaving the boundaries of conventions and restrictions. A window opens into your world and the flow of love from the center of all life tells you I LOVE you! Without any conventions and restrictions, I LOVE because I LOVE and only you, I love as no one else, only in this combination all the particles of universal love have gathered in a cacophony of happiness! Dedicated only to you! In the universe, a holiday! I AM! Today for you!!!

Light of love...

You as Prometheus lit a fire in me and gave this fire-the light of Love. And I went around the world to live my life, to realize what happened to me then, next to you. To remember that I'm just like you. You are the source of light and Love. And this light is life. Life giver, life regenerator and multiplying in all the nature of life. You can't help but Love, you love according to the form of your existence. To save your light, you stole it from adversity. You cherish it in tenderness and warmth of heart. One day you remembered again. That the Gods, like us, are made of light and that light is Love. This is a gift from the Gods to all of us who live on earth. It is cold and lonely for those who deny a part of God in themselves. A particle that gives us life, strength, Hope and Love. Remember yourself, be yourself, and just live. Your life is Love!

My new lease on life...

I want to give everything today! Today I will have a magical night – my birth time is 00:00. A person dies (symbolically) on their birthday in order to be born again. I will meet the new-the first day of my birth-reborn. Yesterday, when I lost track of time in music and feelings, I realized how deeply involved I am and how much I can love. How I longed for affection and tenderness! I have become too much! Tonight is my night. The night of my rebirth! I will go out and greet the world, the World that gave me life. I'll give myself to him completely. Completely. Without residue. I will be generous! And I will not be afraid and sorry! Because I have everything! After all, my opportunities are all around me. This is a real circle, reach out and take what you want! Get everything you have in you! After all, you have accumulated so much, absorbed so much. The circle of joy and happiness will close around you! The world won't have much of me. He can take everything. After all, I am his reflection and creation! Returning again, to myself, the world will fill me with exactly as much and as much as my Man needs. After all, my true purpose is to be a Woman. Just a woman. I agree! I agree! I say to the world on the day of the «new Assembly of my destiny!» It's great that this happened...

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Heterosuggestion psychometry method of deep relaxation

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The method of GSPMR consists in the use of special «verbal formulas» and the creation of mental images that are introduced into the patient's mental sphere in a state of relaxation. They become active elements of his consciousness and behavior. The patient is given a «key», thanks to which he can independently and purposefully form a state of relaxation and positive state. This normalizes blood pressure, heart rate, improves mood, gives self-confidence, optimism, healthy sleep, and most importantly, the patient forms a pattern in the possibility of self-recovery...

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News, articles, interesting information

Health of the Soul and Body

Today, for a progressive society, it is obvious that the health of the soul and the health of the body are inseparable concepts. If a person has learned to regularly brush their teeth, wash their clothes and eat properly, then things are more difficult with the hygiene of the Soul...

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Transformation of consciousness

My sessions help to reveal the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. Therapy proceeds in two stages: a conversation with the patient and a direct session with him. In the process, we formulate a goal and tasks that need to be solved...

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Interview with Raufinya

Raufinya Yarskaya – Clinical psychologist. Consulting, solving simple and complex human problems – her everyday life, from which she does not run. She likes her work and the results she achieves. It doesn't feel like your mind is being «dissected», as it sometimes does...

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The Structure Of The Faith

Based on the thesis of understanding «iniquity» as a rejection of God, it is possible to logically build a way for a person to return «Home», that is, to the God. Life gives all people the opportunity to return to their natural, true state of Purity and Love..

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Address: Moscow, Russia
E-mail: raufinya@gmail.com
Mob / Whats app: +1 (781) 985-2029
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