
of life

sacred geometry

«The universe speaks to people in the language of geometry»

The universe exists as a harmonious and beautiful whole, whether we feel it or not. The basis of beauty is the harmony of perfect universal geometry. The harmonised geometry awakens in a person the true mood for embodiment in the World. If you often come into contact with absolute geometry, your perception of the world will be more harmonious. You will be able to free yourself from prejudices, restrictions, and know spiritual freedom by discovering the world, yourself, and your place in it. Psychology, embodied in matter, is represented in the sacred geometry of our objects. All hidden structures are based on the original «Geometric Logos». The symbolic syntax of any geometric figure fully reveals the universal model of the integrity of existence. This allows humanity to discover the unity of the world and become a witness of its own personal purpose as an integral part of this grandiose world.


‘‘My method of creating individual sacred geometry allows you to instill in each person the skills of building a harmonious geometry of their inner world. Build a structure that will reflect the most basic characteristics of the individual, as close as possible to the proportions and potential given to him by God from birth. Using the codes of my sacred geometry, special personal oriented objects of the object world are created. They allow us to materialize the universal geometry of space and consciousness in its various individual manifestations...‘‘

Raufinya Yarskaya



A clinical Psychologist, Master of Mental Reflections.

more about me

Raufinya has been working with people's minds at all levels for many years, exploring and embodying them in a geometric projection.

Raufinya creates a «transformational space» with individual geometry that solves Your problems.

Individual geometries from Raufinya – "tuning fork" configuration a person's life, with codes of success, development and prosperity.


the geometry of life

Unique method for creating individual geometry

информационный портал

the geometry of life

This is a unique author's project implemented by a group of like-minded people, in which the main ideologist and Creator is Raufinya Yarskaya. The project includes not only the creation of objects and the construction of space, but also an original philosophical concept. It is no secret that consciousness is an individual program and a complex geometric structure. And, like any structure, it can be harmonious and disharmonious. The geometry and shape of objects are arranged in such a way that they favorably affect the human consciousness – geometry in conjunction with a special form affects the human unconscious.


process of creating

We create individual geometries for interior objects, mascots, and other relevant objects of various shapes and scales. Geometry is created as a result of the synthesis of a huge amount of empirical data, through the vision of scientific practices in psychology, design and their practical implementation. And this is, first of all, the experience of Raufinya as a specialist Psychoneuroimmunologist, who for many years has been working daily with the consciousness of people at all its levels, exploring it and embodying it in a geometric projection.


the uniqueness of the project

Each object created according by Raufinya's sketch is an absolute geometric setting that works on the unconscious code of man, embedded in it by nature itself. It is reflected in his psyche as self-regulation for getting the desired events-success, well-being, realization. All of Raufinya's objects are absolute geometry that works as a tuning «fork for tuning» the unconscious, where the codes of success, development, and socialization are initially laid down. Individual geometry is not esotericism, not random probability, it is a real-acting tool for a person who is really ready for change.

We offer the development of Your unique portal-amulet. You will be an active participant in this mystical action, get a unique, incomparable experience of self-perception and understanding. You will enter into the mystery of your being. We act as guides in this process. We can embody Your amulet in a unique interior element, or create a whole transformational space that solves Your tasks on the way to achieving Your Goals.

to order an individual geometry

in history

Sacred geometry has been studied, taken into account and applied by people since ancient times

информационный портал

In our physical reality, the energies that vibrate at different frequencies represent the entire range of Creation, from God to the material world. All these manifestations of the Will of the Great Creator are organized in certain patterns. These patterns represent the essence of sacred geometry. So, this science is understood as the basis of all that exists, has existed and will exist.

universal geometry in architecture

One of the most striking ideas that permeates the sacred teachings of all ancient civilizations is that the universe exists as a harmonious and beautiful whole, whether we feel it or not.

информационный портал

The basis of beauty is the harmony of eternal perfect universal geometry. There is a cosmic principle that supports all perceived forms. The law forms a complete cosmic oneness, a Supreme consubstantiality.

информационный портал

The Greeks associated the word cosmos with civilization, literally translated as «embroidery» and expressing the inherent harmony and beauty of the world, manifested in the geometric forms of all terrestrial and non-terrestrial objects.

золотое сечение
Golden section at the base of buildings

All the hidden structures are based on the original geometric Logos: Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, temples in India, pagodas in China, tents of North American Indians, churches of the Christian world.

информационный портал

«God geometrizes», Platon said. The cube symbolized kingship and earthly foundations, while the Golden section was considered an important dynamic principle, embodying the highest wisdom and synchronization with the geometry of the universe.

информационный портал

The building dedicated to the deified ruler of the state had the shape of a cube, while the temple dedicated to God was built in such a way that it was based on the «Golden section».

спиральные города
spiral cities as dynamics of development

Spirals on the ionic pillars of ancient Greek temples were placed on the principle of a rotating rectangle. This is the unique method that allows you to create a logarithmic spiral of «dynamic development».

информационный портал

The use of such spirals was used in Greek temple architecture. The idea of spatial ordering in the form of a spiral creates technical mobility of objects. The spiral system allows increasing the dynamics of society's development.

информационный портал

The symbolic syntax of the geometric figure reveals the universal model of integrity, allows a person to discover the unity of the world, to become a witness of their own destiny.

sacred objects

Items created based on individual geometry

This is not the ordinary things of everyday life. Their images are crystallized by combining the scientific practices of psychology with the technological and stylistic possibilities of modern design. Each object was created according to an individual geometry code for each individual person, which Raufinya Yarskaya reads from the Energy-Informational Quantum Field.

Individual geometry, embodied in the presented objects, creates special forms and turns each object into a sacred instrument of influence on the energy and psycho-emotional level. Such an object has a beneficial effect on both the human consciousness and the unconscious, harmonizes the personal living space of a person, or the space of his working environment.

вещи со смыслом

Information Portal

This coffee table combines the simplicity and sophistication of the graphic representation of ancient technologies embodied in the pyramids. Being present in the interior, it helps to exchange information with the World, attract the necessary information. The coffee table format is chosen as a place where people communicate, exchange information and store information publications.

Code/Image/Form Geometry – Raufinya Yarskaya

вещи со смыслом

Success Portal

The flower-like geometry of this portal is enclosed in the shape of a success coin. The energy of life encoded in this geometry is amplified and illuminated by real energy-electricity that generates light. This geometric code and image are based on: first the pure intention, then the intricacies of attempts, which, in the end, are crowned with the desired material reward.

Code/Image/Form Geometry – Raufinya Yarskaya

вещи со смыслом

Good Luck Portal

The power of two talismans – the living and the geometric-is combined in this object. The mascot has several functions – it protects against negative external influences and at the same time works to attract good luck for the implementation of your ideas. It is known that in the tradition of Feng Shui, the dog is a symbol of protection, well-being and harmony, but to realize this, the dog needs to provide the necessary conditions, surround it with care and affection.

Code/Image/Form Geometry – Raufinya Yarskaya

sacred amulets

Jewelry is created according to an individual geometry


Today, people feel an urgent need for the material embodiment of their individuality. Someone needs to harmonize their nature, someone needs to strengthen their personal characteristics, adjust the parameters of their personality, someone needs to realize their purpose, someone needs to be realized in their family and profession. How can this be achieved? With whose help?


We present an exclusive collection of jewelry created using a unique technology of non-verbal encoding of information. These are not just surprisingly beautiful rings, pendants and medallions. Each object in the collection has its own sacred and applied meaning. At the level of subtle energy vibrations, it triggers the mechanism of individual protection and stabilization.


Refined and unique products are not just a unique design model, but the result of many years of scientific research by a clinical psychologist, Psychoneuroimmunologist – Raufinya Yarskaya. In 14 objects of the collection, the painstaking experience of accumulating real-life human stories is captured. Each piece of jewelry is a coded message, information carefully read and captured in perfect shape.


Work with models of the collection begins with a deep psychoanalysis of a person's personality. Then all the information is reflected in a graphic image. Each of the sketch lines forms a history encoded in a geometric object. Lines are added to images. This way a personal totem-decoration is born: a medallion, ring, etc. At the same time, the person himself, along with the master, the author of the collection, lives the entire sacred process of obtaining information, participates in it, feels the three-dimensional image being born. A connection is established between a person and an object. The ring or medallion becomes its continuation, protector and helper.


All jewelry – unique stories filled with specific semantic, active, individual content. This is an individual code embodied in the geometry of forms, metal and stones. Material description of some action that occurs within the person's personality, and its implementation in life, society, family, creativity, profession. Reflects phenomena and processes that go beyond physical existence. Each piece of jewelry in the collection is an individual embodiment. You can order your personal elegant totem or choose a previously created model.

how to choose without mistakes

If you feel a resonance with the object inside you, if it is close to you in feelings and understandable, then it is «yours». The object activates mechanisms of protection and energy stability at the level of wave vibrations. Wearing such a deep jewelry will trigger neuro-physiological reactions aimed at achieving an optimal state and balanced operation of all biological systems of the body, the psyche and the subtle bodies of a person. All this, combined, will help you understand the previously hidden meanings of life lessons, realize your essence, and show yourself as much as possible in achieving the fullness of life and harmony of being.

The symbol of «Power»

The symbol «Fearlessness»

The symbol «Cleaned»

Symbol «Clear picture of the world»

The symbol «Activation of the female energy»

to order an individual geometry

MORE methods


Individual Spiritualistic sessions in specific cases

медиумto get a diagnosis online

Psychic sessions of the Medium are a unique gift of Raufinya to «give up» her body to another person, another energy, another mind, analyzing and perceiving your aspirations, desires, needs, experiences, pain and suffering. If at the end of time, you do not find the strength to accept the «leaving» as a natural process of life, then Raufinya makes a spiritual session of the Medium.. This helps to cope with situations of loss of loved ones, after the session, patients feel relief, acceptance and forgiveness. In the course of sessions, patients destructive attitudes change, their perception of the situation is transformed through awareness of life situations…

In which cases the Medium sessions are used...

personal blog

News, articles, interesting information

Health of the Soul and Body

Today, for a progressive society, it is obvious that the health of the soul and the health of the body are inseparable concepts. If a person has learned to regularly brush their teeth, wash their clothes and eat properly, then things are more difficult with the hygiene of the Soul...

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Transformation of consciousness

My sessions help to reveal the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. Therapy proceeds in two stages: a conversation with the patient and a direct session with him. In the process, we formulate a goal and tasks that need to be solved...

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Interview with Raufinya

Raufinya Yarskaya – Clinical psychologist. Consulting, solving simple and complex human problems – her everyday life, from which she does not run. She likes her work and the results she achieves. It doesn't feel like your mind is being «dissected», as it sometimes does...

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The Structure Of The Faith

Based on the thesis of understanding «iniquity» as a rejection of God, it is possible to logically build a way for a person to return «Home», that is, to the God. Life gives all people the opportunity to return to their natural, true state of Purity and Love..

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Address: Moscow, Russia
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