9/04/2020 (Fragment of an interview with Raufinya Yarskaya, answers to questions)
The human soul is real matter that has density, touchability, sensitivity, and intelligence.
The soul is intelligent. It also, like a person, has its own special fate, its own life experience. The soul-flesh of man is created from the immortal matter of Love. According to the Creator's plan, it is immortal, eternal, and not subject to «corrosion» or diseases, like our physical body. But there is one but, and its name is «original sin» (metaphorically). This is the «first virus» that struck our soul at birth, the very first trauma. The program of sin is aggressive by nature, as well as the virus, it is embedded in the living system of the body, killing the immune system. Natural resistance to sin, from a small sin in our concept, to corruption and corruption, leading the Soul to certain death. The soul affected by sin (virus) is sick. It suffers from wounds and rot. The soul is directly affected by a person's choice of how they live their life. Remember, we have a chance to «Wake up» and realize «why are we here?».
We are immersed in a specific dream – where the Soul and Body are separated, and are in conflict with each other, in eternal contradiction. And, as you know, there is no conflict – no plot! That is, if there was no conflict between Soul and Body, they violated the very meaning of the Universal Game, meaning the existence of both, the Soul would not be able to pass experience and «evolve». We are self-forgetfully «awake», and as a metaphor can be put – «poisoned by the deadly poison of oblivion». Humanity, developing science, receives all new technologies to extend the life of the body, recipes for health and longevity. It is very important to understand and know that the matter of the Soul and Body are interconnected in their purity and in their disease. We are the only living thing on earth!
Mystical experience of any kind, from the mildest to the most intense, has biological roots, because there is always a mechanism of transcendence in the human mind. Let us remember the desire to dominate, greed, rudeness, violence, and all the other ills that arise from the feeling of being inferior and unprotected from the dangers of being. «I need more power, more possessions, more respect and admiration». But these things are never enough, and the fear always remains. It comes from everywhere: from other people, from the economic situation, from ideas, customs and beliefs, from the natural environment, from our own Mind and Body. All these «others» intimidate us, threaten us, create anxiety in us. We can't control them. All of them, in one way or another, are «strangers» to us. Our experience tells us, «I am Me, and they are not Me».
Mysticism allows us to overcome these self-centered fears. The consciousness of mystical wholeness shows us that in fact, we are not completely strangers to each other, and that in fact, we have the existence that we need to be happy. The understanding of this mystical unity begins to dominate, and our motives, feelings, and actions change. We move from isolation, rejection, hostility and despotism – to openness, trust, readiness to accept other people, support them, and live with them together in harmony.
You certainly remember the stories and crises that have happened to many countries, in different parts of our planet, at different times: the Greatest battle on Kurukshetra in India, the Genocide in Rwanda, the situation in Kosovo, the Kashmir conflict (the war between India and Pakistan), Israel for 6 days of war recaptured the Golan heights from Syria, the Holocaust in Germany, and you can continue indefinitely. Isn't it part of human nature to understand survival as a matter of competition and conquest, as the survival of the fittest, as a fierce battle of «spiders in a jar»? After all, in the course of evolution, the human brain has evolved to ensure that we emerge victorious from all fights with the enemy. We are endowed with a natural gift to anticipate dangers, identify enemies, and fiercely protect our interests, no matter how narrow and selfish they may be.
However, this does not mean that our nature condemns us to live in a world of discord and discord. Because the same brain that supports our most selfish aspirations also contains an «apparatus» for transcending the Ego. When a person experiences transcendental States, whatever their spiritual nature, in the final sense, suspicion and hostility disappear against the background of peace and love, in an indescribable Union with the Supreme. It is this power of States of unity that changes people that makes mysticism our greatest hope, because it is a very practical and effective tool for improving people's behavior. If we could properly use the energy that is inside us, if we were more concerned about the needs and well-being of those around us, we would suffer much less. The redistribution of internal energy flows is what mysticism does.
It may take many generations before humanity is ready for such a dizzying change in thinking, but what is most surprising is that if one day such a time comes, our brain will be ready for it, because it has the apparatus to turn these ideas into reality.