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The Spirit speaks to people through metaphors, but metaphors and allegories reflect reality. Just know that what now seems to be darkness, there is always God's light, what seems to be a dead end – contains new opportunities ...


Directions of my activity



This is the effective method of heterosuggest psychotherapy for patients, the use of «verbal formulas». The creation of mental images, their introduction into the mental sphere of the patient in a state of relaxation...

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Sacred Geometry


A unique author’s technique is the creation of an individual «geometry of life». The creation of various objects for life and the construction of space in the house or office, for harmonization and a balanced atmosphere...

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The Medium Session is an opportunity to «give up» my Body to another Person, Energy and Mind, feeling / analyzing your experiences. Helping you come to Awareness and teach you how «to build» your reality and change your life...

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He-God-She. Everyone strives for the love of God. He wants Her, and She wants Him. The merging of loving souls takes place in God. Eternal universal philosophy of unification male and female energies...

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A clinical Psychologist, Master of Mental Reflections.

more about me

More than 20,000 hours of clinical psychology practice

More than 15 years of work in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology

Thousands of healthy and happy patients after sessions


my mission

My work as a Clinical Psychologist and Master of Mental Reflections, is to help a person come to a state of Awareness, through the restoration of broken neural connections. In the process of our joint work, all destructive installations in the patient’s consciousness are destroyed, through awareness of his difficult life situations, his negative perception of the world is transformed into a blissful, positive and life-affirming one. Patients consciously «wake up» from illusions that they themselves have created. They try to find a way out of situations on their own, they see ways to solve any of their tasks that previously seemed impossible for them. In working with me, patients learn to build their reality in accordance with their own personality nature and in harmony with themselves.

I help people

My fundamental tasks


Free Your Will to Life

A Human realizes that he was created from the substance of Love. And Nature endowed him with free will so that he himself would come to his happiness and harmony. A Human is aware of the fusion of two of his sources in a single center of his personality. At the same time, he gets the opportunity to manifest his personality.

Open Your Heart

A Human «opens» his Heart and learns how Love to the Creator / God comes in his Heart in the form of manifested substance. The Heart is purified by love and the Soul strives to the Creator like a magnet. The Soul begins to feel part of the Creator and acquires an invisible connection with the Creator.

Manifest Your Spirit

A Human «awakens» the strength of Spirit and he is ready to see the truth in himself. He sees himself without artificial masks. He recognizes his Nature in all its manifestations of good and evil. He does not lost in thought, of explanations and excuses for all that happens with him. This is the ability to take responsibility for his own life.

To Realize Yourself

A Person becomes clear and and finds his Center in consciousness. A Person strengthens his inner core/axis. Body-Soul-Mind come into a single balance, empathy and love of life are manifested. Man finds answers to questions, learn to accept and trust the Creator. A Person realizes: «I am – who I really am».

Working with me means working independently. I bring the patient to such a psycho-emotional level, connecting with his intellect so that he works on himself. He begins to understand what is the inner Spiritual work. And he begins to solve his problems by himself.

for whom

If you recognize yourself in the following situations, my professional and sacred experience will help you


Exit search

You have a difficult life situation, are overcome by doubts, you can not find a way out and make the right decision on your own. You have anxiety and the feeling that you are near the dead end, there is «no exit» and all the «doors are closed».


Stress / Fear

You have panic attacks, increased anxiety, depression, stress, gratuitous worries, insomnia, irritation and anger, jealousy and «nonacceptance», the accumulated resentment and disappointment.



You have a complex relationship with society, rejection of yourself and other people. Prolonged crisis in relationships: with spouses, parents, and children. Misunderstandings with colleagues, inexplicable conflicts «out of the blue».


Business / project

You need advice on your business and its development. Successful resolution of the situation with business partners. You need complete «clarity» in responsible negotiations and large transactions.


Life on pause

You feel that something is going wrong, but you can't it to explain myself. You do not leave the feeling that life is «on pause», everything is like «frozen frame», you really want to get out of the state of «suspended animation», and to realize what is happening.



You are ready for change, but you are afraid to take the first step. You are hindered by phobias / fears, limiting beliefs, and social masks. You have a distorted perception of reality, there is no longer a sense of joy, you have lost the «taste of life».


Victim's state

You have a low level of vital energy, total self-pity, a long time you are in a state of sacrifice, low self-esteem, you think that the world around you is cruel and people in your environment are suppressing you.



You have been searching for yourself for a long time and can not personally decide, you feel that you are lost in this world. You are desperate, you don't have a stable position, you don't know what to do further in life.


Purpose of life

You are actively engaged in self-development, often study at different webinars, retreats, trainings, draw mandalas, clear your family's genealogy history. You are filled with information, but still haven't received a clear answer to your questions.


Emotional trauma

You can't cope with the dramatic past events of your life, you often feel a lot of heartache and suffer. Situations come back to your memory, and they traumatize you over and over again. You live in the past and fall into «grieving».


strategies / plans

You need a result, but you do not know how to properly direct your efforts to achieve the goal. You need to develop an accurate action strategy, plan, step-by-step support in getting a new position at work, passing exams, detention contracts.



You are trying to understand your «role» in this life, determine your designated purpose, and find your «place» in this world. You want to feel comfortable and safe, finally «breathe out», be free and happy. You want to make your life meaningful.

the Insights of patients

Personal stories, mystical experiences, transformation

Oleg Elvir


I clearly remember how it happened. The state of «intense bustle» suddenly stopped, and I began to «be». I always did what I was interested in and looked for answers to my questions. Everything was easy for me. Getting an education in three institutions did not prevent me from enjoying the usual human «weaknesses». But there was nothing important in my life, and I didn't understand what it was. This feeling of dissatisfaction led me further to the Search, to the Answer, to the Meeting, to the Person. And finally, it happened – I got this Experience, through «living awareness». It was like walking through a tunnel or flying through the universe. I must say that this analogy is very approximate and does not reflect the entire range of sensations, because words are always poorer than the experienced impressions. My heart is grateful to Raufinya, for her Attitude, Understanding, Purpose. And most of all, I thank her for leading me to this «door». I opened the door to my space – the Space of my Being. I'm happy.

Alexandra Borisova


During the session, I had the question «what should I complete in this life?». All my life, from early childhood, I felt that my life has a specific meaning. I felt that I had to do something very important, but I didn't know what it was.I had a consultation with a Vedic astrologer who said that if I wanted to better understand myself and my way, I needed to go through a regression session. I had an experience at a Raufinya session where she put me in a trance. At first, I thought that nothing was happening, but suddenly my mind started showing me images, and I thought that my imagination was drawing them. Rafinya asked me questions, to which I reacted in an unusual way for me, as if my past manifestation was contacting her instead of me. Raufinya communicated with the person of my previous incarnation. Internal conflicting thoughts found their explanation. It turned out that everything that I considered complete nonsense and suppressed in myself, is of great importance for the development of my personality and Soul. After the session, I became «easier to breathe»…

Alexander Ragulin

Financial analyst

I met Raufinya a year later, after significant changes began in my life. I, «took up the mind», but still something was missing. I came to the session to Raufinya, her words «hit the mark», the diagnoses were unpleasant, but honest. The problem was an excessive desire to please everyone without exception. I avoided conflict situations, to the detriment of my own interests and feelings, the suppression of my own Self. the GSPMR Sessions that Raufinya does helped me realize my importance to this world. She taught me to look at life more broadly, deeper and further. My optimistic Outlook on life and self-confidence returned. A year later, I moved to Moscow. I worked with Raufinya and saw her a lot at work, I felt electric voltage in my head. Raufinya a skilled negotiator, an endless source of creative ideas and strategic thinking. I admire her gift as a medium, and it takes my breath away when she opens the veil of the future for you. I am grateful to God for what Raufinya in my life!

project team

Anton Sokolov

Art Director of the project, movie Director
Visualizes mystical experience of Raufinya, makes movies about this project.

Raufinya Yarskaya

The author of the project, leading specialist
A clinical Psychologist, Spiritual Mystic, Medium, Technology Of Consciousness Transformation.

Tatyana Fyodorova

Producer, Marketer, Communications
Develops and defines development strategies. Media representative.

Eugeny Vikhlyaev

The artist is the visual part of the project
Graphically embodies the art of Raufinya experience in creating sacred geometry.

methods of transformation

Energy-therapeutic techniques


Heterosuggestion psychometry method of deep relaxation

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The method of GSPMR consists in the use of special «verbal formulas» and the creation of mental images that are introduced into the patient's mental sphere in a state of relaxation. They become active elements of his consciousness and behavior. The patient is given a «key», thanks to which he can independently and purposefully form a state of relaxation and positive state. This normalizes blood pressure, heart rate, improves mood, gives self-confidence, optimism, healthy sleep, and most importantly, the patient forms a pattern in the possibility of self-recovery...

more about GSPMR...


Unique method for building individual geometry

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Geometry of Life is a unique author's, social and business project introduced by a group of like-minded people. Synthesis of a huge amount of empirical data obtained by a specialist psychoneuroimmunologist-Raufinya, during a long period practice of using utilitarian philosophy and psychological techniques in working with people's minds. This method allows you to instill in each person the skills of building a harmonious geometry of their inner world, to build a structure that accurately and maximally reflects all the basic properties of their personality, as close as possible to the potential given to them by God from birth...

Learn more about Individual Geometry...


Individual Spiritualistic sessions in specific cases

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Psychic sessions of the Medium are a unique gift of Raufinya to «give up» her body to another person, another energy, another mind, analyzing and perceiving your aspirations, desires, needs, experiences, pain and suffering. If at the end of time, you do not find the strength to accept the «leaving» as a natural process of life, then Raufinya makes a spiritual session of the Medium.. This helps to cope with situations of loss of loved ones, after the session, patients feel relief, acceptance and forgiveness. In the course of sessions, patients destructive attitudes change, their perception of the situation is transformed through awareness of life situations…

In which cases the Medium sessions are used...

he o she

Philosophy of unification male and female energies

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This project is unique, it gives knowledge, opens up abilities, expands opportunities about the inevitable existence of two principles in each person – female and male energy. A deep awareness of this truth helps to bring the two polar energies of Yin-Yang into a whole, total accordance, to find the very point of balance and merging together. This allows you to form a harmonious relationship with the Divine within yourself, and then learn to build interaction with other people consciously. And finally, to regain the "«lost half» of oneself, which is separated from the Creator at the moment of the Soul's incarnation into The human body ...

How Hi O Shi helps to harmonize relationships...

personal blog

News, articles, interesting information

Health of the Soul and Body

Today, for a progressive society, it is obvious that the health of the soul and the health of the body are inseparable concepts. If a person has learned to regularly brush their teeth, wash their clothes and eat properly, then things are more difficult with the hygiene of the Soul...

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Transformation of consciousness

My sessions help to reveal the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. Therapy proceeds in two stages: a conversation with the patient and a direct session with him. In the process, we formulate a goal and tasks that need to be solved...

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Interview with Raufinya

Raufinya Yarskaya – Clinical psychologist. Consulting, solving simple and complex human problems – her everyday life, from which she does not run. She likes her work and the results she achieves. It doesn't feel like your mind is being «dissected», as it sometimes does...

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The Structure Of The Faith

Based on the thesis of understanding «iniquity» as a rejection of God, it is possible to logically build a way for a person to return «Home», that is, to the God. Life gives all people the opportunity to return to their natural, true state of Purity and Love..

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Address: Moscow, Russia
E-mail: raufinya@gmail.com
Mob / Whats app: +1 (781) 985-2029
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