


Who is a Medium? The ability or «gift»?

There is a common idea of the medium as a person who is associated with esotericism, witchcraft, magic. And, this opinion has a real basis, but not in my case. I don't need to give up my body and mind to a «dark helper» from the other world. I don't use the attributes of wizards and wizards: «I don't bleed, I don't burn candles, I don't perform rituals». What is the principle of my work? How, then, can I know so much about a person? After all, the session, in result and power, is so similar to magic and sorcery? The answer lies in the plane of scientific explanation – this is how my Central nervous system works! Our ancient ancestors had telepathy, could transmit information over long distances to neighboring tribes. Their «messages» to each other were not digital symbols, they were full of feelings and images. With the development of techno-scientific progress, humanity has almost completely deprived itself of this unique property. So what is it?

The empathic state has no rational explanation and is not the result of any intellectual effort. Empathy - from the Greek. Empatheia (empathy) comprehension of an emotional state, penetration into feeling, into the experiences of another person. It turns out that empathy is a natural gift, and if a person has the makings of empathy, they can be developed, trained, and even improved. Emotional empathy based on mimicking the affective reactions of another person. People with this type of empathy are able to perceive the pain and experiences of others as their own. Cognitive empathy is mainly based on intellectual processes: analogy, comparison. At the same time, the empath tries not just to understand the feelings of his interlocutor, but also tries to understand them himself, reconciles, so to speak, his shoes on himself, in order to understand what is happening. Predicative empathy, which is most often manifested in the ability of a person to predict the affective reactions of people in various situations.


‘‘Having a high level of empathy, I had to learn to control and regulate this feature of my nervous system. This manifests itself as follows: I «absorb» the energy, information, and mental memory of other people, do not completely take the load on the nervous system, but reflect it to the person with whom I work. In this way, I translate the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of both him and the person I «watch». This unique ability allows me to effectively diagnose a person's condition or situation related to it. I do not Express my opinion and do not give critical assessments. A person «lives and sees» himself, hears, analyzes his feelings, actions, and for himself, can recognize and evaluate the events/circumstances that are happening to him...“

Raufinya Yarskaya



A clinical Psychologist, Master of Mental Reflections

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More than 20,000 hours of clinical psychology practice

More than 15 years of work in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology

Thousands of healthy and happy patients after sessions

In «special cases» I use the medium technique. Psychic sessions of the Medium are a unique gift of Raufinya to «give up» her body to another person, another energy, another mind, analyzing and perceiving your aspirations, desires, needs, experiences, pain and suffering. If at the end of time, you do not find the strength to accept the «leaving» as a natural process of life, then Raufinya makes a spiritual session of the Medium. I consider this an extreme but effective measure. This helps to cope with situations of loss of loved ones, after the session, patients feel relief, acceptance and forgiveness.

During the session, there is a meeting with the «other world» and a certain «dialogue» with the Soul / higher consciousness of the person is formed. After the session, patients feel relief, acceptance of the situation, and forgiveness. My job as a «Destiny Transformation Technologist» is to help people come to Awareness. In the course of sessions, patients destructive attitudes change, their perception of the situation is transformed through awareness of life situations. As the result, the patient sees a way out and finds a way to solve complex tasks that previously might have seemed impossible to him.

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Spiritualistic Seance with Raufinya

We often feel that we are held hostage by circumstances or by our own personality and character. But we change throughout our lives and are quite capable of changing our own fate and adding new facets to our character. Or at least get to know and accept yourself better. I noticed that clients come to me with «NO»: I can't stop relationships with a partner, friend, boss, I can't understand myself, I can't realize myself. In such situations, I use the method of entering into the structure of another person's personality or energy field. As a result, the vast majority of people I have been lucky enough to interact with respond to the role, playing program I offer – the presence of someone who is a source of irritation or attraction. In my sessions, I am guided both by my fundamental knowledge of the human psyche and neurophysiology, as well as by my intuition and ability to fully immerse myself in your inner world and understand it. As a result of our dialogue, you accept yourself, resolve internal conflict, and transform your awareness of yourself and your own life.

for whoM


in relationships

If you are in a situation of conflict/breakup with a partner, you can not find the strength to break up and let the person go, do not understand the reasons for the divorce. You intend to maintain the relationship, restore balance, and accept your partner on a Soul level.



If you have a prolonged conflict with your boss or employees, and this destroys your working atmosphere, does not allow you to work comfortably, realize your abilities and achieve results. If you want to find a problem in communication between yourself and colleagues.


In self-esteem

You feel that no one needs you, no one loves you or remembers you. You entered the victim state, you don't remember how, when, or who drove you there. Fears from childhood haunt you, you do not remember what happened, you want to find the cause and «free» yourself from this state.


In business

You are plagued by business failures, project after project fails, you feel as if your luck has been"stolen". You are not confident in your business partners, are overcome by doubts and distrust, be afraid to invest money in a new business, you need clarity in transactions.


in realisation

f you have reached a «dead end» and do not understand where to go next, the advice of relatives does not help, but irritates, and it seems that all the doors, wherever you knock, are irrevocably closed. There are thoughts about the futility of their existence, about suicide.


In perception

Lost the taste of life, nothing pleases, «covered» universal melancholy, you have a prolonged depression, the world seems aggressive and frightening, nightmares at night, no appetite, a state of loss of yourself, you are waiting for the «end of the world».


In the family

You were crushed by the «departure» of a loved one and you can not let go, memories roll in and traumatize you. You are out of a rut and can not get into the usual rhythm of life. You are plunged into «grieving» and it seems that the world has collapsed.


In awareness

You have stopped «hearing» and understanding your inner Self. You need a productive dialogue with your Soul, an awareness of your role in life, and an understanding of your purpose. You want to reconnect with your original source.

the Insights of patients

Personal stories, mystical experiences, transformation

Oleg Elvir


I clearly remember how it happened. The state of «intense bustle» suddenly stopped, and I began to «be». I always did what I was interested in and looked for answers to my questions. Everything was easy for me. Getting an education in three institutions did not prevent me from enjoying the usual human «weaknesses». But there was nothing important in my life, and I didn't understand what it was. This feeling of dissatisfaction led me further to the Search, to the Answer, to the Meeting, to the Person. And finally, it happened – I got this Experience, through «living awareness». It was like walking through a tunnel or flying through the universe. I must say that this analogy is very approximate and does not reflect the entire range of sensations, because words are always poorer than the experienced impressions. My heart is grateful to Raufinya, for her Attitude, Understanding, Purpose. And most of all, I thank her for leading me to this «door». I opened the door to my space – the Space of my Being. I'm happy.

Alexandra Borisova


During the session, I had the question «what should I complete in this life?». All my life, from early childhood, I felt that my life has a specific meaning. I felt that I had to do something very important, but I didn't know what it was.I had a consultation with a Vedic astrologer who said that if I wanted to better understand myself and my way, I needed to go through a regression session. I had an experience at a Raufinya session where she put me in a trance. At first, I thought that nothing was happening, but suddenly my mind started showing me images, and I thought that my imagination was drawing them. Rafinya asked me questions, to which I reacted in an unusual way for me, as if my past manifestation was contacting her instead of me. Raufinya communicated with the person of my previous incarnation. Internal conflicting thoughts found their explanation. It turned out that everything that I considered complete nonsense and suppressed in myself, is of great importance for the development of my personality and Soul. After the session, I became «easier to breathe»…

Alexander Ragulin

Financial analyst

I met Raufinya a year later, after significant changes began in my life. I, «took up the mind», but still something was missing. I came to the session to Raufinya, her words «hit the mark», the diagnoses were unpleasant, but honest. The problem was an excessive desire to please everyone without exception. I avoided conflict situations, to the detriment of my own interests and feelings, the suppression of my own Self. the GSPMR Sessions that Raufinya does helped me realize my importance to this world. She taught me to look at life more broadly, deeper and further. My optimistic Outlook on life and self-confidence returned. A year later, I moved to Moscow. I worked with Raufinya and saw her a lot at work, I felt electric voltage in my head. Raufinya a skilled negotiator, an endless source of creative ideas and strategic thinking. I admire her gift as a medium, and it takes my breath away when she opens the veil of the future for you. I am grateful to God for what Raufinya in my life!

more methods

he o she

Philosophy of unification male and female energies

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This project is unique, it gives knowledge, opens up abilities, expands opportunities about the inevitable existence of two principles in each person – female and male energy. A deep awareness of this truth helps to bring the two polar energies of Yin-Yang into a whole, total accordance, to find the very point of balance and merging together. This allows you to form a harmonious relationship with the Divine within yourself, and then learn to build interaction with other people consciously. And finally, to regain the "«lost half» of oneself, which is separated from the Creator at the moment of the Soul's incarnation into The human body ...

How Hi O Shi helps to harmonize relationships...

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News, articles, interesting information

Health of the Soul and Body

Today, for a progressive society, it is obvious that the health of the soul and the health of the body are inseparable concepts. If a person has learned to regularly brush their teeth, wash their clothes and eat properly, then things are more difficult with the hygiene of the Soul...

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Transformation of consciousness

My sessions help to reveal the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. Therapy proceeds in two stages: a conversation with the patient and a direct session with him. In the process, we formulate a goal and tasks that need to be solved...

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Interview with Raufinya

Raufinya Yarskaya – Clinical psychologist. Consulting, solving simple and complex human problems – her everyday life, from which she does not run. She likes her work and the results she achieves. It doesn't feel like your mind is being «dissected», as it sometimes does...

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The Structure Of The Faith

Based on the thesis of understanding «iniquity» as a rejection of God, it is possible to logically build a way for a person to return «Home», that is, to the God. Life gives all people the opportunity to return to their natural, true state of Purity and Love..

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Address: Moscow, Russia
E-mail: raufinya@gmail.com
Mob / Whats app: +1 (781) 985-2029
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