
the Insights of patients

The experience and transformation after the sessions

Sergey Nikulin

Fashion designer

..I am Sergey, 34 years old. Since the age of 26, I have lived in a happy relationship. I sincerely loved and gave myself to this man. And now, in my 33 years, there was a «betrayal» by my favorite person, and for me this is the most fatal act in my life! We separated. When I became aware of the situation, I tried to get out of it, explaining to myself that people converge and diverge. My mental and physical condition was getting worse. When talking to my friends, myself, and God doesn't bring me relief, I think of suicide as a way out of the situation. I remembered about Raufinya. Working with her – it is working on yourself, listening to deep things about yourself, honest, not unpleasant, and accepting them in yourself. This is a complete «declassification» of oneself. I was surprised and helped to resolve my situation – «conversation» with that person. This happened through Raufinya! I saw this transformation, her eyes, her manner of speech, her gestures – it was not Raufinya, it was that person, it was not a statement of grievances and grievances, it was a conversation with his subconscious. These processes reanimated and gathered me back into a «whole», opened my eyes, led me to love, to life! They helped me let this man go out and start to live again.

Alexandra Dudko


Before the Institute, my life was full of constant hustle and search, which did not contribute to my productivity. But by the end of the first year, I came to a definite state, «You are a day staring at the ceiling, and you are not afraid of anything, even monotonous work in the office seems to be the norm, you want nothing and not force anything!» To Raufinya sent me by relatives. After the first sessions, I realized that productivity, self-realization and joy are not mutually exclusive, combined aspects of life. After the GSPMR sessions I felt relaxed, able to filter out the daily hustle and bustle. The main thing that I want to thank Raufinya for is that I realized that a positive and easy life is not just possible, but an important part of any process in our everyday life. I realized that I was the one who decided what my life would be like. During the sessions, the problems that were slowing things down in my life were resolved, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong on my own. I changed my dissatisfaction to a desire to engage in development, study, life, sports, etc. Now there is an understanding and a sense of where you need to purposefully direct your strength and energy. Thank you very much for such a contribution to my development!

Marina Lapina


We met Raufinya in August 2018 and I learned that Raufinya has been a practicing clinical psychologist for many years with continuous and rich experience. This fact I was very happy, because at that time I was already a novice psychologist. It was she who helped me choose a specific direction in my practical psychological activity and taught me a lot! I always consider her my mentor in work, in life, in everything... I had one session of GSPMR, which helped me understand the importance of this unique method in restoring the body after stressful situations, in working out psychosomatic problems, in finding a balance between the health of the Mind, Soul and Body. I always feel sincere gratitude to Raufinya for the fact that our ways in this life crossed, for all the knowledge that I constantly get from her! I thank you very much Raufinya.

Oleg Elvir


I clearly remember how it happened. The state of «intense bustle» suddenly stopped, and I began to «be». I always did what I was interested in and looked for answers to my questions. Everything was easy for me. Getting an education in three institutions did not prevent me from enjoying the usual human «weaknesses». But there was nothing important in my life, and I didn't understand what it was. This feeling of dissatisfaction led me further to the Search, to the Answer, to the Meeting, to the Person. And finally, it happened – I got this Experience, through «living awareness». It was like walking through a tunnel or flying through the universe. I must say that this analogy is very approximate and does not reflect the entire range of sensations, because words are always poorer than the experienced impressions. My heart is grateful to Raufinya, for her Attitude, Understanding, Purpose. And most of all, I thank her for leading me to this «door». I opened the door to my space – the Space of my Being. I'm happy.

Alexandra Borisova


During the session, I had the question «what should I complete in this life?». All my life, from early childhood, I felt that my life has a specific meaning. I felt that I had to do something very important, but I didn't know what it was.I had a consultation with a Vedic astrologer who said that if I wanted to better understand myself and my way, I needed to go through a regression session. I had an experience at a Raufinya session where she put me in a trance. At first, I thought that nothing was happening, but suddenly my mind started showing me images, and I thought that my imagination was drawing them. Rafinya asked me questions, to which I reacted in an unusual way for me, as if my past manifestation was contacting her instead of me. Raufinya communicated with the person of my previous incarnation. Internal conflicting thoughts found their explanation. It turned out that everything that I considered complete nonsense and suppressed in myself, is of great importance for the development of my personality and Soul. After the session, I became «easier to breathe»…

Alexander Ragulin

Financial analyst

I met Raufinya a year later, after significant changes began in my life. I, «took up the mind», but still something was missing. I came to the session to Raufinya, her words «hit the mark», the diagnoses were unpleasant, but honest. The problem was an excessive desire to please everyone without exception. I avoided conflict situations, to the detriment of my own interests and feelings, the suppression of my own Self. the GSPMR Sessions that Raufinya does helped me realize my importance to this world. She taught me to look at life more broadly, deeper and further. My optimistic Outlook on life and self-confidence returned. A year later, I moved to Moscow. I worked with Raufinya and saw her a lot at work, I felt electric voltage in my head. Raufinya a skilled negotiator, an endless source of creative ideas and strategic thinking. I admire her gift as a medium, and it takes my breath away when she opens the veil of the future for you. I am grateful to God for what Raufinya in my life!


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