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Health of the Soul and Body are inseparable

Today, for a progressive society, it is obvious that the health of the soul and body are inseparable concepts. And if a person, as a rule, manages to accustom themselves to regularly brush their teeth, wash their socks, and even monitor their diet, then things are more difficult with «hygiene of the soul». Sometimes, you live for yourself and everything seems to be good, but there is no «fire», motivation, and sometimes physical health to please and surprise yourself. Days turn into an automatic waste of time, and the thought «this is something wrong» looms in the head, and even the body rebels against the owner, signaling that he is lost.

But where can I find the strength to awaken my body and consciousness, how can I reach the point of no return to old problems and cultivate the habit of being happy?

Our bodies are tricky and inert. It takes patience and time to rebuild, and in many ways, this property serves as a protection against negative influences. But a drop, as you know, sharpens even a stone, and a person may not notice how under the pressure of regular experiences, his strength has left him. It would seem that traditional medicine is able to diagnose the disease and heal it. But no doctor has yet answered my question about why this or that disease occurs. At best, you can hear from them – do not worry, you are not the first and certainly not the last. It is no secret that medicine, as a «business Institute», is profitable for you to be ill and preferably not ask questions. But the world has long reached the stage when nihilism seems childish, and history has accumulated a lot of examples that can only be called a miracle of healing. Raufinya Yarskaya, a specialist in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, over the years of practice had to "heal" the mental and physical ailments of people in a complex. It turned out that such diagnoses as paralysis, ovarian dysfunction, and even banal flu can be eliminated if you unearth a psycho-somatic cause that may seem ridiculous even to the patient. And, on the contrary, mental anguish and «restlessness» go away when the biochemistry of the body is adjusted, and the immune system is restored. To achieve a multi-level, beneficial effect on all areas of human life, Raufinya conducts training as a teacher-psychologist at the intersection of various scientific disciplines: psychology, pedagogy, medicine, sociologists, as well as noetics (a discipline that studies human spirituality, honesty, justice, conscience, gratitude and other «built-in» basic human qualities and values.

Raufinya Anatolyevna, how is Your work being built and what is your client like?

My sessions help to unlock the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. My mind clears. Therapy takes place in two formats – the conversation and the session itself. During the conversation, we formulate the purpose of the lesson and the tasks that need to be solved. They concern both psychological and physical health. The session itself is a form of hypnosis, when a person lies relaxed, and we conduct a joint journey with the «Me» of the person, in which he becomes a teacher to himself. Impressions from such a procedure are very different for people and always appear individually, from cosmic abstractions to detailed pictures of the future. Since the person himself is the main participant in the actions called «my inner world», «my life», he is the author and performer of many of his own restrictions, outdated attitudes that cause pain or inconvenience. We, however, find an individual unique range of sounds of his joy and fix the result. Of course, sessions are suitable for people who strive for harmony, self-development as a person and self-development in society. Although people come to me for completely different reasons, they all have the same needs. We all want to be happy. Only everyone has their own happiness. As a clinical psychologist, I work with mentally healthy people in difficult situations. Fears-phobias, pain of loss, mental suffering, unsolvable situations in relationships, apathy, emotional fatigue, nervous exhaustion, weakness, irritability and aggression-these are the General indications for sessions. In the field of health, sessions are effective for allergies, psoriasis, diseases of the genitourinary system, suffocation and asthma, frequent colds, high blood pressure and physical weakness.

How soon does the effect of the therapy begin?

The result of the psychologist's work is noticeable to a person immediately, in a new sense and understanding of themselves. But in order for the state of conscious perception of yourself and your actions to become natural and permanent, it takes time and personal effort. For some, it is a few days, weeks, and for others – years and entire lives. But, almost all, such an open perception of the world and awareness of the inseparability of their «Me» and the World, inherent from birth. So, we will have to remember the skills that, for various reasons, we once gave up. After all, happiness is also a habit, and if you remember it, you can become addicted to it again.

What changes in the patient's life after the sessions?

A person realizes the value of their own unique life, and begins to understand and see their unique purpose. Through sessions, he learns from himself, from his own life example, so he does not feel a rude intrusion into his world. He begins to appreciate and love his body, personality, and focuses better on what is important. The accumulated experience of life no longer hangs as a burden that requires a thorough cause-and-effect analysis, a person experiences himself, in a new way, and accepts his past life as it is, as the best that he was able to accomplish at this level of development. He has a lightness that many people lack now. As for interaction with the outside world and society, a person is reoriented from subordination to circumstances, to subordination to circumstances, and learns to help himself. He develops individual methods of educating responsibility for their thoughts, desires, actions, and health.

Surely you have accumulated a lot of fascinating stories from practice. Have you ever wanted to share these examples with the world?

There are really a lot of stories. Working with the human «Me» often gives such impressions that it is impossible to keep silent. And I began to make small notes to keep in memory the experienced moments, of course, with respect for the privacy of everyone. Over time, there were more and more entries, and at the moment, we are working on creating an illustrated collection of notes that tell about different, interesting and always unique worlds of people with whom I had the chance to work.

Work of the consciousness technologist

My sessions help to reveal the energy potential of a person. The body remembers the feeling of harmony and fullness. My mind clears. Therapy takes place in two formats – the conversation and the session itself. During the conversation, we formulate the purpose of the lesson and the tasks that need to be solved. Often patients come with such requests: to remove restrictions, obstacles in the implementation of the planned ideas and goals, to overcome fear, uncertainty, to realize their potential in this world. Diagnostics show that there are disorders in the mental bodies. At the mental level, we work with mental functions. This is mechanical engineering work. We don't invent the typewriter, we fix it. On a mental level, it looks figurative, as if a person went through a glass door that turns in a circle, with the intention of going inside the building. But one movement, and the door, since it is mechanically programmed, makes a «stop», and the person hits his forehead on the door, with the inevitable «rollback» from reaching the goal.

In real life, a person always goes to the desired goal through obstacles and obstacles. Things that are always clear become difficult to achieve. This is a life of tension and struggle. It takes a lot of time and effort. In this situation, involved three of the peripheral nervous system: Autonomic: urge desire to do Endocrine: it's all chemical processes in the body for action, Parasympathetic: responds and gives impetus to the action. In this scheme of interactions of nervous systems, it is the Parasympathetic that fails. It is healthy and responds to the reaction, but does not pass energy into the movement, and «beats» it back to the endocrine nervous system, causing a sense of fear. Since a person does not have fear as such, there are no mental injuries, this is the level of chemistry and physical reaction of interactions with the energy of «life-current». The work consists in regulating the movement of mental functions in a full circle – from desire to getting a result without obstacles. This is a technical, mechanical, software work, which involves mental chemical and energy functions as mechanisms.

At the energy level, the energy feels «viscous», like rubber. The position of a human observer is both a protection and a barrier, at the same time. By changing the first program, the substance of the external energy changes. A person needs to connect to energy by the nervous system, as to the dense matter of the world. The following situation is obtained. There was a substitution of concepts. This «rubber» is the world itself, and this energy must return to its place. So the third violation is resolved automatically, at the level of karmic relationships with the World and oneself. The connection is not built, but the same story remains – the «observer's position». Man is watching the world, and the world is watching him. There is no productive exchange in such interaction. As a result, after performing all the technical problems on three mental levels, by the end of the program, the three nervous systems of a person are again assembled into a single system, connected to each other, and integrated into the physical body of a person, the development program is launched.

Interview with Raufinya

All you need for life is already in you – Raufinya Yarskaya

Raufinya Yarskaya – clinical psychologist. Consultations, solving simple and complex human problems – her everyday life, from which she does not run. She likes her work and the results she achieves. It is easy and there is no feeling that you are «considered» and «dissected your mind», as sometimes happens in meetings with clinical psychologists. We are sitting in a cozy cafe in the capital, after a lecture by John and Nicola kirk (English psychologists, facilitators of the Shadow Work psychological method). Inspired by the event Rufina talks about his practice and about how to «make peace» with himself.

There were a lot of people at John and Nicola's lecture. It turns out that psychologists and psychotherapists are in demand. What kind of people come to you?

Successful and strong. I have so developed, because of the work that I do with people who came to me for help, and the load that I give them. Working with me means working independently. You see, I don't work for a person and give them a specific result. I bring a person to such a psycho-emotional level, while connecting his intelligence, that he works himself. Gradually, he begins to understand what spiritual work is, what inner work is, and he solves his own problems and tasks for himself. I have this style of work, I do not accept any other. This is my worldview.

So it turns out that you as a psychotherapist – a certain point of support?

I am both a reflection and a fulcrum. People need to rely on someone, and this someone must be even stronger, no matter how powerful they are energetically, intellectually strong they may be. By the way, people have difficulties just because they consider themselves smart and strong, and can not find a person who can «be more» than them. That is, a person turns to a psychotherapist, having certain ideas about himself – «I am strong, smart, beautiful», but at the same time, for a time losing the life reference points. «The ground is gone» and there is nothing he can do about it. This is one of the reasons.

That is, it is not necessary to be disappointed, for example, in yourself is a reason to contact a specialist. And more often, they come with what then, if not with disappointment?

Only a few people come to me with disappointments. Each psychotherapist, indeed, has a «different» client, and this depends on the style of work. I am approached by intelligent, successful people – «not lost» in life. They may be in some difficult situation for themselves, but they «gathered» in time, they are integral.

They are adequate and live consciously…

Yes. At least they strive to live consciously. Maybe at some moments this does not happen to them, but they have an understanding that they need to live consciously. They have some «distortions»: either they live more with feelings or someone else's «someone else's head». Or, they rely very much on their reason, and to a greater extent, they ignore their feelings. I have an example: a year ago, a girl came to me who was having a hard time getting out of fasting, and she experienced some moments of her life so emotionally that she did not know how to get out of this state. She works in a Bank, holds a high position, and has a lot of responsibility – she must «charge» people with energy, both herself and clients. A kind of «computer program» that rationalizes everything very much: environment, distance, everything. At this point, she began to «soul tossing». I made a diagnosis, and realized that this is a story «about love», and she can not love and this is all her problems.

Listen, maybe this person has achieved success precisely because he is such a «walking system block»?

I agree with you, but it was a period of time when she needed it, and she relied on it. But when she has achieved what she wants, and she needs to go further, to develop not only in professional life. She came in and said: «everything is great in my life. I have everything. But I feel that internally, I don't live fully. I can do more than that. I am able to make more career, earn more money, expand my social connections – but I am not enough for myself». We started working. And, a year later, it all became «about love». But at the same time, her career has not ceased to be remarkable. We have harmonized everything.

Our culture of society is such that if something is wrong, you need to call your mother, girlfriend, go with friends to the bath. And to go to a specialist psychologist-it still remains as if «beyond the usual». I still often get people who set themselves some major tasks, and understand that they need «energy recharge», who need to rest on «someone else's consciousness», not competing, able to discuss their goals with them on an equal basis. They need someone to help them solve their problems. Among other things, the sessions I do are the regulation of the body. This is the energy, real «charging the brain with current».

In other words, you stabilize the physiological processes. And due to the balance of the physiological energy supply occurs, the person becomes more balanced, stronger.

I work in a complex way, biology, that is, working with the body, this is mandatory. Alignment of the potential of the right and left hemispheres. There is a «charge to equalize the current», because the brain works at the expense of «current». There is a cognitive processing, if a person has some wrong understanding of something, or there is a problem with prioritizing, as well as spiritual and sensory aspects. The patient tries to understand: «Who is he by nature, as a person? Find a sense of who you are».

So the patient is trying to understand himself?

The patient tries to understand what he wants in this life for himself, as a person living this life.

Many people don't know what they want?

I would say that to a greater extent – Yes.

And when does awareness come, by the age of forty?  

You ask when a person Matures?

Yes. When a successful, accomplished person understands that something is wrong…

The Structure Of The Faith

Based on our thesis of understanding sin as a rejection of God, a departure from God, we can logically build a path for the return of man to Paradise, that is, the return of man to the bosom of God. This is the beginning of his Life, since Sin is death, the death of the soul. So, Life gives all people the opportunity to turn back from the road of death and return to their natural state of Purity and Love, a state in and for God. As a rule, this is some kind of trouble, tragedy, or unbearable heartache, when a person can not do anything and continue to live on. All these are means for saving a person, means for keeping from «falling», since a person Willy-nilly has to «turn on» the ancient mechanisms that everyone has – this is communication with God the Creator.

Having got into difficult situations, experiencing hardships, thus understanding their infirmity and the illusory nature of everything around them, a person tries to find what is inviolable and what is real, a person is looking for Truth, he is looking for God. «Open your hearts and I will come to you, stretch out your hands and take them in mine, who else will love you as I love you, for I Am your Creator and you are part of me». The first thing a person can do when he wants to get out of the circle of oblivion is to understand one simple thing: no matter how «shit» he is, no matter how fallen and dirty he is, everything is in the power of the Lord, all the tools to purify a person, renew him, regenerate and transform him. The person himself is not able to do this. That's the most important thing: «Trust in the mercy of your Lord and it will be given to you. Ask for his protection and protection, and your hand will be given to you; hear the call of him who Comes to you, and you will be saved».

Understand, I want to say again that everything is in the power of the Lord, if you want it. I can't save you against your will, but I need your will. This is a much more important point than following the rules, codes, and norms. Christ asked one thing: «do you Believe in me?» And he said – «According to your Faith, it will be repaid to You». This is the first and basic step of avoiding sin. If a person tries to correct himself by observing principles, moral and moral laws, but does not believe in God, does not trust himself to him, such a person is arrogant and stupid. This is the same as giving up a crane during construction, trying to drag a huge slab yourself. Of course, there is a reason for this error, because by nature, every person has a mechanism for turning to God in a difficult situation. But if it is still closed or broken, it means that the person himself has already worked on it. This mechanism could be broken by pride or by the already distorted nature of man, distorted to such an extent that there is no «soul reflex» for salvation.

I want to say that it is very logical to seek salvation and help from God. This is logical. The mechanism that lives in every person is initially a mechanism for communicating with God, a mechanism for saving a person by God. Remember Jesus Christ, this mechanism was demonstrated and used by him constantly, and note that Christ said aloud do you Believe in me? Why out loud? After all, he had already seen who believes and who does not, why did he ask this in public? He wanted everyone to remember how salvation happens, salvation begins with faith in the Lord.

Interview on a radio station

I am on a radio station, there is a program dedicated to the topic «Psychology in everyone's life». I am asked a question about my texts, where I write that everything in life is natural, and the giver and receiver are equal to everything. I am asked how to understand this for those who have lost their children. Where is the pattern? Why would they do that? It is difficult for me to start talking about such a difficult and painful topic. And now, I see and feel a real woman. She is sitting in a small room, which is the kitchen. She is in a state of infinite grief, her hands are down, she does not know how to live on. After all, her child, so beautiful, tender, loved, alive – died. How to accept this truth? How to live with this loss? She doesn't want any words of comfort. «Everything that you say cannot reflect the pain that is now in me, there are no words that would correct the irremediable. Can I now be happy, laugh, just live? Everything is lost, everything is gone forever from my life. Empty».

I feel her pain and I start talking to her, I turn to her with my Love. I Love her in this moment of grief. I tell her what I know and feel, what she feels now, how she is suffering now. I can see her grief. I tell her that her baby Is a beautiful creature, beloved by God, already on the way to our Lord, and it was there all the time that she grieved for him. Now he asks to be released into the bosom of Love and rebirth. He is grateful to her for being his mother on earth. He thanks her for her Love, work and feat. Now, she had to let him go. After all, now, he is not a child, he is the son of God, he is a creation, without time and age, he is eternity, he is Love! I see his image as a Golden angel ascending a sunbeam into the sky – this is the road of our Lord's Love. And, many of the same angels that did their duty on earth. And now, they go pure, enlightened to the Center of universal Love and acceptance, to be filled with new power there, and to return again to earth for a new rebirth.

I give her only a part of the Love that her Baby now feels for her, now, the same equal Entity in Eternity. This is just a small fraction of what is condescending to her now, just what one person can pass on to another. And after that, she felt better. She gets up, she is washed by Love, reborn in Love, she has understood everything. Her head cleared. Her soul was cured! Now, she has the strength to live on, because she now knows that her baby Is not dead, he is alive! Only now his life is a state of Love! He always remained with her, he gave himself to her, by the washing of Love! God bless you! May the Power and Love of our Lord be with you!


Before THIS event happened to me, I was in an extremely difficult psychological and physical condition. For more than a year, I had my mind under control every minute, and I was already on the edge of all the edges. I had a feeling that one more drop and I would have an epileptic attack. I'm sitting in a cafe, in a trendy fitness club, a glass of carrot juice, a pink tube. I look at this juice in a glass and cry. In pain. Tears just flow from my eyes, because I can't even take a SIP. The stairs lead up to the second floor, and I look up and see the smiling face of a young woman. She says to me: - Hello! Are You Raufinya? I say, «Yes». Her warmth made me feel a little better, and I was able to get up and follow her, following her suggestion to go to the VIP area of the club «Excellent». Cozy, bright room, nothing extra-sofa, chair, table.

So I go to her (she is a psychologist), tell her about people, her clients, and she writes everything down. This communication makes me feel better and I can breathe. I tell her about the World, how it works, the multidimensional nature of space, and many other things that interest her. We are sitting in this room, she and I and delicious tea. I'm comfortable here, answering her questions. I look at her and suddenly, with lightning speed, something happened that is forever now with me, and what I will be forever in this life. I see it with my own eyes and feel it on the most physical level – an energy Ball-consciousness flew into me. It whizzed through the air just above the head of the girl opposite, so that the hair on her head rose a little. And, it flew into my head. The ball was the size of a volleyball. Dense. It instantly unfolded inside my head, and my eyes seemed to «embed someone's eyes» and an ecstatic «Wow»! I heard it in a strange male voice.

I started the car and took the wheel. Inside, there was complete despair of what had happened to me, a sense of something irreversible filled me. And now, I'm already in my apartment, quiet, evening twilight. The voices in the back room are the children's room. I walk down a long, dark corridor. In front of my face, the door, I opened it, my son and nanny are in the room. They play peacefully. Warm and cozy. The lights in the room are dimmed. She gathered her strength and said, «Light, look at me». What's wrong with me? She looked up. I saw her surprise. My son's nanny was a warm-hearted woman, and over the past year, she's been through a lot with me. She already knew that every day, some kind of virtual extreme passion happens to me. But I've never seen her face like this before. «You are very strange» – Sveta told me. I turned quietly and left the room. I look in the mirror, I look into my eyes – they are clear with a dilated pupil, there is almost no iris, but only a dense black circle, slightly convex. I have strange feelings, I feel inhibited in everything.

«Lie down», he told me. It was a pleasant voice, velvety, soft, and strong. I lay down on the bed. «Just relax, don't be afraid, help me melt into you», said a voice inside me. I relaxed as much as possible, I had a sense of trust in him, in his voice, in his presence. Although it was still scary and not obvious what would happen to me in a second. A warm current, almost hot, coursed through my veins, a quiet sense of gratitude. His voice was in my chest. I only heard it once more, and never again. But the eyes, for many years in a row, they were «active» and people saw it in person. For many years, I felt like a freak, an outcast, an outcast from society and the fear of loneliness, icy cold shackled my body and mind.

The University cafeteria, I sit at the table alone, and longingly look at my classmates, who are jostling together, talking about something, smiling. I have no place among them. They are not comfortable with my presence, they are not comfortable with me. I don't want to show my tears, I swallow them, but some of them still come out and flow from my eyes. My Teacher-Teacher-Father sits down next to me, takes one tear from my cheek and puts it on his tongue, he could afford that. «Tears are bitter, salty and sweet. Yours are bitter. What are you grieving about?» he asked me with a smile. «I want to be like everyone else! Why should I see, feel, or know all this? I want to be normal», I replied. He said: – You'll never be normal, never! Accept and understand this! You have an anomaly that defies explanation on the scale of normal people! He said it to me in a way that made me understand and I didn't cry about it anymore. There were still frustrations and disappointments, but there was no longer any longing for humanity. And there was Love, for a man that poured out of me, and was me. But I've never seen him in real life.

Address: Moscow, Russia
E-mail: raufinya@gmail.com
Mob / Whats app: +1 (781) 985-2029
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