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A clinical Psychologist, Master of Mental Reflections.

more about me

Author of the article and live broadcast: «The path to truth or who will survive?»

Author of the article and interview: «Crossing the Mental Gate 2020»

Author of the article and the broadcast: «Virus of consciousness – how to get immunity»⠀


A practicing clinical psychologist with more than 15 years of experience. Siberian Federal University: clinical psychologist from 2006-2011 diploma no. 1/437-PPOZ Advanced training in the program «Neuropsychological and psychoneurological diagnostics and correction. Adaptive neuropedagogics» registration number 09-1-276. Raufinya has a unique author's methodology that combines fundamental knowledge in the field of human psychology and neurophysiology, and spiritual mystical experience that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the inner world of the patient and understand it. Her orthodox metaphysical experience led to the realization that our world is illusory, and there is only faith in God, and faith is not an imaginary sense state, but the only real imperishable matter.

spiritual mystic

The mystical experience of Raufinya

«Revelations, Testimonies, Fixations, Manifestations»

Many of us are looking for an answer to the question: Who am I?, What is my Way and my personal purpose? What is my personal meaning of life and does it exist at all? What I could have known about myself «at the dawn of my awareness» was that I was definitely a woman and definitely a Christian. My social upbringing told me that I was a mother, daughter, and wife. But it didn't seem to answer my main question – «Who Am I?». What is the name of the nature that is greater than myself and my knowledge of the nature ofperson, and the arrangement of the world.

I felt in myself something huge, like an ocean incomprehensible to the mind. Something multi-faceted that constantly transforms, escapes, does not want to keep the focus, does not allow the mind to define the final geometric shape. A mystic is a person who spiritually connects his mind, spirit and body with God, interacts with the metaphysical world, and has a personal experience of the manifestation of metaphysical matter in this three-dimensional world.

A person has a unique opportunity to remember that the Lord is a living, intelligent reality. Receive revelation and «reforge» consciousness in the fire of God. Avoid mechanical repetitions of trial and error. Learn to live in co-creation with Our Creator, God, the Great Creator. Get the freedom of the spirit and the eternal life of the Soul. It doesn't matter what the mystic says, it matters who he is by nature. The mystical experience has nothing to do with magic, or with reading other people's minds, or with conjuring up visions and spirits. It is simply, no more or less, an inspiring sense of genuine spiritual union with something greater than the self.




Metaphysical reality is not an empty, formless, indefinite imaginative space that we can fill with our fantasies and conjectures, but a completely real world with clear laws, forms and physical manifestation in interaction with our world. The world of metaphysical reality and our habitual world are closely interrelated and influence each other. Metaphysical reality is the Spiritual world. The metaphysical state of our Souls depends directly on our feelings, desires, aspirations, and reason.

A person once begins to feel the call of God in himself experiencing spiritual hunger and thirst. His whole nature, his essence, goes in search of «Spiritual food and drink». Where can he find what he wants? How can he satisfy these needs? After all, none of the most delicious gourmet food and drinks can give a drink and feed the Soul. Basics? Where to find someone who encourages the search for the unknown mind. The answers are found precisely in metaphysical reality.


A very important task is to hear and feel the desires and aspirations of our quite physical Spiritual bodies. Bring spiritual bodies to «order» cleanliness and health. The further the distance between our bodies, the greater the suffering, we are more vulnerable to sin, we do not have the right guidelines for a happy life, as we begin to rely only on the operating mind and the opinion of others. We don't hear ourselves, we don't hear God.

Having made all mental and physical efforts to unite the two principles, to find yourself, to feel your fullness of power, Love makes it possible to feel the presence of God, to hear his voice and spiritually connect your mind with the consciousness of the Great Creator. Knowing and connecting with the Creator, God, for a person is a mystical life experience. A person who knows and connects his consciousness with the Creator, gets a new mystical life experience.

The Creator, the Lord, and God are pure, living Light, and this Light is intelligent. On earth, the Creator-Lord manifests himself as a metaphysical Fire. This fire is kindled in the Souls of people who are ready to undergo a transformation of consciousness, purifying and washing their Soul in the fire, gaining spiritual vision, learning the laws of the mental world.

metaphysical fire

Metaphysical fire has a different physical manifestation in this world relative to the fire to which we are accustomed. This fire has the property of «highlighting», the sinfulness of the nature of the person himself. God, the Creator, who is kindled in the human Soul, makes consciousness sensitive. Conscience and sincerity of a person becomes primary. For a person, this is a very painful process, he faces his own limitations and conditional knowledge of his nature, and the interaction of the real world and the mental world. The great Creator erases these conventions and limitations, before the eyes and conscience of man, an absolutely pure and true picture of what is happening appears. The psyche is literally shocked by the realization of sin and its true deeds.

the nature of faith

Before this new life experience, the question «do you believe in God?» I answered with pride that I didn't just believe «I know there is a God». I had the facts to prove it. I didn't even know what faith was, or what power and nature were. Faith is not a sensuous inference, BUT a real metaphysical imperishable and living matter. This is a powerful energy column. I got to the epicenter of the pillar of Faith while living in the state of «Believe». At this moment, I realized that Faith is the only real, imperishable and living thing on this earth, and my state of «Believe» is a direct connection with God, with his living, intelligent Light.

My entire spiritual and physical nature dissolved and merged with this powerful energy flow of the pillar. Except for the cry of my heart, my Soul to the Great Creator, the Supreme Soul, there was nothing in me. I shouted «I Believe God», my consciousness did not belong to the mind, I only cared about one thing, my state of Faith. FAITH is instantly shot up by a powerful energy living pillar from the bowels of the earth to the depths of the sky. It was a great shock to my consciousness, to my whole nature, because just a moment ago, I experienced the complete disintegration of the real world into many pixels. I saw and clearly realized that the world, in the usual sense of the word, does not exist.

We are born with a program laid down by nature about this world. This is my illusion painted in an individual fantasy about it, about materials and forms, about conventions, called the physical laws of nature. At this point, there were no physical laws. There was an understanding that if you know the laws of mental physics, you can pass through space, since time has disappeared. It existed at a point of rest and immobility. The reality of this world under this condition of «rest of time» becomes completely conditional and not permanent. Everything could change from my desire and aspiration.

the disintegration of my world despair

My despair burst out of me with a direct appeal to God, to the Creator: «What am I going to live with now? You have taken everything from me, my feelings, my ideas, my desires, my ideals, everything has crumbled to dust and fallen at my feet», and now this. What am I going to live with now? Step, another step, and I realize how short my mind is in knowing this world. My mind can only see a step and a half ahead, it knows how to bring the foot up, lower it, and raise it again! I don't know anything else, and I can't figure out what I'm going to do without God. My mind is completely limited and has a very short memory in the literal sense. A moment later, all my feelings, desires, ideas, and ideals began to pour out of my body. My whole life, which I valued and considered very important and necessary, turned out to be nothing, full of rot and dust.

I no longer existed in the sense of feeling and ideas. What I considered an eternal and very important experience for future generations, skills and higher ideas, at this moment had no meaning for life. Everything crumbled to dust and rotted away instantly. My inner world was gone, and in an instant it was gone, crumbling, and gone. So I learned to Believe in the Lord, the Great Creator of our universe and all things, in the Highest Intelligence, in the Highest Soul, in Infinite Eternity – what is eternal, unshakable and living. The only real matter that holds our entire world together, connecting the fragile material world and the Eternal world!

living light

Only one thing can save the body and soul from certain death the Living Light of God that is in each of us. Our task in life is to remember God in us, to remember the living Light in us, to remember eternal life. This is a very deep memory that is activated by a spiritual instinct. In each of us there is the memory of eternal life, the memory of God, the memory of the atonement of sin. The human psyche suffers greatly and is traumatized by contact with this metaphysical nature. Consciousness breaks up into small parts and a person loses his inner support, both in the external world and in himself. He has no one to trust, he stops hearing himself.

This is a terrible state of loss of self, complete inner despair at the inability to stop the process of disintegration and constant sliding in this black mud, deeper and deeper, into the abyss of madness and grief. The human mind is torn apart, divided into thousands of ragged thoughts, someone's desires. His head becomes a «garbage can» of the universe, into which fly ragged memories of past lives, the creation of the world, chemical processes. And in order not to go mad and die, you need to maintain consciousness, and maintain a connection with the real world through logic and control.

It is necessary to control everything that happens to the body, mind, and the outside world, so as not to accidentally confuse the laws of different worlds of the metaphysical and real (three-dimensional). Because the laws in both worlds work in different ways. For example, the law of gravity in our world works through the law of attraction, and in the metaphysical world, the same law works as the law of reflection. In our world, we will inevitably fly down, leaving the window of the 14th floor, and in the metaphysical world there is no concept of top and bottom. We can safely walk on different levels of density of the world's matter.


The pernicious influence of metaphysical darkness affects all spheres of human life. Mental, emotional, and physical health suffer, and social ties collapse. I experienced extremely severe mental, mental and physical suffering. At the level of the body, pain is mainly concentrated in the muscles, bones, joints, as well as internal organs. The body is «dried up» from lack and exhaustion of vital energy. Constant fatigue and inability to live normally. Great pain is experienced by the Soul, which is not silenced even by strong physical pain.

how to help yourself

And here is the task of how to help yourself. There is no life experience, no person who could give an answer, no «guide», no teacher. Nothing and no one can suggest and help. Total loneliness, cold, and fear were all I had. Only prayer gave me strength and a little warmth, warmed my Soul, eased my pain a little. At this time, I didn't live, but only survived. The presence and constant movement of the approaching darkness that would engulf me caused me chilling fear and excruciating pain. I did not wish for such an experience and state. These phenomena started happening to me spontaneously. I just wanted to find the answer to the question: Who Am I? Why do I live like this? How can I live with peace in my Soul and in my family? What do I need to be to be loved?

to be aware

My life is divided into two worlds: the real world with ordinary social life and the inner world, with my special perception, vision, and living of entire stories that I try to understand. I ask myself questions: «Why do you need this? Why is this happening to me?» And it's not easy for me, I gather my willpower and hold on to my consciousness, keeping the balance of these two worlds. The stories and events of the inner world in which I connect to the person in front of me are so strong that for a while they take out the real world and I «fall» into this unknown space with the lightning-fast living of a whole life. Your life, your destiny, and your consciousness. It is strange and difficult to admit, and even more difficult to live with, that I constantly have revelations about myself and the people I work with. And, the mystical events happening to me are inexplicable in any way by the mind and previous experience of life.

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News, articles, interesting information

Health of the Soul and Body

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Transformation of consciousness

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Interview with Raufinya

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The Structure Of The Faith

Based on the thesis of understanding «iniquity» as a rejection of God, it is possible to logically build a way for a person to return «Home», that is, to the God. Life gives all people the opportunity to return to their natural, true state of Purity and Love..

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